Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A long overdue update

Hello, friends! Things here have been wonderfully crazy in the best way possible. I have graduated with my bachelors degree and plan on continuing on to graduate school at Catholic University of America! The acceptance letter came in mid-April, and I'm hurriedly applying to programs and scholarships which will allow me to pay for a graduate degree from a private school (oof). At the moment, I'm looking at Catholic's Graduate Library Preprofessional (GLP) program, which would give me hands-on experience in the library (35hrs/week) as well as pay for my tuition (6cr/semester). It's an extremely competitive program, but I hope that given my bachelors in Library Science as well as my current internship at a library in the same consortium, I'll have a fighting chance.

This brings me to my current job! I've landed a fantastic summer internship at Trinity University (Trinity DC) here in DC. I'm working mostly evenings, which gives me times to work on projects and learn the systems as well as practice my reference skills - which are extremely rusty, but getting some use. Fortunately for me, many of the staff members are MLS-grads who are happy to share their experiences and learned advice with me. The library workers here are experienced and passionate as well as intelligent and kind, and I couldn't be more grateful for their example and teaching moments. The library (and campus) are small yet powerful, and the same can be said of the staff.

The Rare Books Room
The library itself often feels as if it came straight from the 1970s and somehow got ahold of 21st century technology. It's beautiful and it smells of books - just like the library of which every new library student dreams. It's also so full of the smell of books that it borders on the musty. The lights flicker, the doors slam, and the air conditioning doesn't work. For all of that, the technology is current and the library resources which are most often used are the electronic ones. To some degree, I feel as if the only truly old things about the library are the building and the books - and even those are getting some new friends. All the other resources are shiny and new.
Looking out over campus
While I haven't been blogging as much as I should have, I'll try to remedy that. It's certainly true that I have a lot to write about. This past week alone is worthy of several entries. Next up: WHY THIS WEEK WAS EXCITING!

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