Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In which I deal with having too much of a good thing

Earlier this year when I was accepted to CUA I spent the time to create a finely honed and crafted spreadsheet of classes I wanted to take that would fit well within my focus. In addition to this information I added when they were offered and created a basic plan for the next several years of my life. It looked something like this:

It felt so great to have my next two years planned out. Seriously, it felt great. Then I went to #CURATEcamp and rethought my life. Not quite so dramatically, but I did rethink my classes. After spending some time on the CUA LIS website and browsing the recommended courses for my focus, the spreadsheet got really complicated and I just made a list that looks like this:

I have serious feelings and issues at the moment. I can only fit 36 credits (a total of 12 classes) into my degree, and that's including the four core courses. That means I can only take eight classes of my focus into the next two years - and I need to narrow down the list of twenty by next summer.

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